G & B

G & B Tournament Builder - Export/Use Tournament Definition

"Generate TD" will generate a "Tournament Definition" using the information generated in the earlier steps. The TD can be copied from its text area for external use or can be used to generate a G&B tournament.

TD Generation

The controls at the top of the page control the format of the generated 'Tournament Definition". There are four sections.

Team IDs

The "Team IDs" section controls how Team IDs are shown. 'Minimal' will show the Team ID only for the first team in each division. By Group shows the TID for the first team of each group. Moving teams between groups is easier if either of these formats are used because the TID is not on the same line.

"Numeric" shows the TID next to each team name, while "Group ID" show the GTID, which is the Group + TID. Using either of these formats make sense if the same formats are specified for Team Reference.

Team Reference

"Team Reference" controls how teams are shown in the schedule. "Group Relative" is that team's position in each group. For example, A.1 refers to the first team in group A and B.1 is the first team in group B. A multiple division tournament will have more than one team with the same relative ID, so the Division must be specified when using group relative IDs.

"Numeric ID" and "Group/ID" refer to a team with its TID or GTID. Each ID is unique.

Using "Name" will show the team name in the schedule. Names can be tricky if the same name is used in multiple divisions, such as Boys and Girls Varsity. For this reason, it's safest to specify choose the "Show Division" option when referring to teams by names.

Group By

"Group By" refers to how the schedule is shown. Grouped by "Division" means that all the games in each division will be grouped together. It's easier to see how the Division games are scheduled, but it is harder to spot schedule conflicts. Specifying a Division for each match is not necessary in this format because it's specified for each Division section.

Grouped by "Time" shows the games in date/time order. Earlier games will be before later games. This is the most common schedule format.

Grouped by "Location" groups games by the field location. This schedule format is fairly unusual.

"Time v Location" generates a table using locations as column headers and date/time as row headers. TDs use tabs to split columns so this format is hard to read because the columns will not line up vertically. The text can be pasted into a spreadsheet for much better legibility. Use an alternate format to include game labels in the TvL output. TvL format is expected to be used more for external use rather than G&B and labels would clutter the external output.

"Matches/Slots" does not show a completed schedule, but generates text that can be easily edited to generate a schedule. Each match, containing the division, opponents, and kind of game, is listed on a line, while each game slot, including the time and field, is on another line. Games are scheduled by dragging a "match" to a "game slot". Once the schedule is built, the TD can be used.


These options change the TD output in various ways.

"Generate TD"

Clicking on "Export" will generate a TD as the page is loaded. Clicking "Generate TD" will save the current settings then regenerate the TD using the current settings, as well as saving the settings. At this point, the Tournament Definition can be used externally. The schedule can be generated using the preferred format, copied into a spreadsheet and published, or the schedule could be used to generate an html page.

"Use Tournament Def."

Although the Tournament Definition can be used externally, the primary purpose is to provide a simple way of setting up a G&B tournament. Clicking "Use Tournament Def." configures the tournament to reflect the locations, divisions, teams, colors, and schedule that were entered into the TD Builder pages.

Normally only tournament directors have permission to upload TDs, but uploads are enabled in the 'build' tournament. Click on the "Use Tourn. Def" link at the bottom of the TD to initiate the upload.

Updates can be made by editing the TD and uploading it or using the using the builder functions and regenerating the TD. Any game results that have been entered with will be cleared. There is a Import/Edit Schedule page than can add restore reported results to a replacement schedule but that is not available in this demo.

Team IDs

By Group

Team Reference

Group Relative

Numeric ID

Group By

Time v Location


Split Schedule Lines
Show Each Time
12 24
Show Division
Full Location
Tournament Definition: (Generated: 11:36 pm 05/03/24 )

; yr 24