G & B

G & B Tournament Builder - Define Single Elim./Consolation Games

A least one Division must be set.
Click "Help" for usage information.
#KindOpp 1Opp 2LabelNote
# of S.E/Cons. Games

There are no single elimination or consolation games defined.
Enter the desired # of games, then "Save SE/Cons."

This page is used to add, delete, and modify single-elimination and consolation games.

Use the buttons to select the division.

Enter the number of single elimination and consolation games for the current division. Fill in the Opponent 1 and Opponent 2 fields. Typically these will be referenceed based on group ranking or the winners or losers of other games.

Group positions are referenced by the group name, a dash,and the finishing position. For example, A-1 is the winner of group A, and B-2 is the Group B runner-up. 'A-1 v B-1' is a common match for a tournament final.

Game winners can be described as 'G' or 'GW'. Losing teams sometimes play additional games. They can be references as 'GL'. (Eventually this may be changed to use 'M' rather then 'G'.)

It is not practical to refer to specific games by number because schedules can change and the game number can change. This handled by referring to games by name. The SE/C form includes a 'Label' field. The label can be use as the opponent in subsequent games. For example, Two SE games might be labeled 'Semi1' and 'Semi2', with the Final described as 'Semi1' v "Semi2'.

Consolation games are very similar to S.E. games. The significant difference is that consolation games do not show up in the SE Bracket.

More details later...

Send questions and comments to tom@soccer-tournament.us
