We have photos of the winning teams and most second place teams here. Feel free to leave comments or upload your own photos.
Link to Tiger Rumble Schedule Rev G (xls); The Schedule/Results page has been updated. The HS Girls Division was dropped and match times adjusted so there are many changes.
Teams can see an individualized schedule by clicking on their Team ID in the group standings. The Team ID consists of a group idenitifer, most often "A" followed by a unique number, e.g., A6, A18, or B23.
Link to Tiger Rumble Schedule RevD; The Schedule/Results page has been updated.
Registration is closed except for U16-U19 Girls.
The Results/Schedule page has been updated to show the current schedule. ( Link to PDF version of the RevC xlsx file) As with most schedules, it is subject to change, especially in the U19 Girls division.
The ninth Grissom Tiger Rumble Indoor Futsal Soccer Tournament co-sponsored by the Grissom High School Girls and Grissom Mens Soccer Boosters will be held 5-6 January 2013 at the spectator friendly Grissom High School Gym located at 7901 Bailey Cove Road in Huntsville, AL.
The tournament is open to boy's and girl's youth soccer teams ages U8 through U19. The tournament format will be 5v5 Futsal format. Each team is guaranteed a minimum of 3 matches. Games will be played on a gymnasium floor (basketball court) with an indoor Futsal ball. Roster size for U8-U14 is limited to 10 players and must be the same for the entire weekend. Roster size for high school aged players U15-U19 is limited to 6 players. Players may play for only one team. Proof of age for each player is required at tournament check-in. This is a fun tournament that is appropriate for recreational level teams as well as club teams. eams may be formed specifically for this tournament. The tournament committee will endeavor to form the most balanced brackets possible. Depending on the number of entrants, co-ed play may be necessary.
Preregistration can be done easily is closed except for U16-U19 Girls [ Register Here ].Other pertinent forms will be posted on the website shortly.
To enter a team, mail entry form with your $160 fee U8-U14 teams, and $130 for U15-U19 teams (note small roster size requirement) before 28 December 2012 to
Mark Tillman
1802 Cross Creek Road
Huntsville, AL 35802
Phone: 256-585-0475
Entry deadline is 28 December 2012. Check should be made payable to GWSA. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Mark Tillman
GWSA Vice President