04/13/15 - 4A Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
13-4-2St. Paul's1       
3-0 W
3-0 W
2-1 W
4-0 W
4-1 W
0-4 L
1-4 L
10-3-0St. James4          
4-1 W
3-1 W
6-6-2St John Paul II6         
5-0 W
10-6-3Faith Academy8
0-3 L
0-3 L
1-4 L
11-3-0Madison County9
1-2 L
1-3 L
7-5-0East Limestone10     
0-5 L

Game Results between ranked Alabama High School Soccer Teams

This pages shows the results of all games between ranked Alabama high school teams. Hover over a game result, such as '2-1 W', to see the opponents for that game and the date of the game. All games between two teams are shown, with the latest first. Matches are color coded by the result of the top/only match result.

All game results were copied from eurosportscoreboard.com. Click on team name to go to the EUROSPORTscoreboard page for that team.

Send comments to tom@soccer-tournament.us

Common Opponents

Teams that have played at least two top 10 teams are listed followed by those teams and their result(s). The list includes teams from other divisions and out-of-state teams.

(6-1-7)Athens School
St. Paul's1-1 T (2/13)
Guntersville2-1 W (3/19)
East Limestone1-7 L (4/04)
(17-0-1)Mary G. Montgomery
St. Paul's1-1 T (2/27)
Faith Academy1-2 L (2/10)1-3 L (2/14)
St. Paul's0-4 L (3/10)
Randolph0-2 L (3/28)
St John Paul II0-1 L (3/14)
St. Paul's0-2 L (3/21)
St John Paul II3-1 W (2/21)
St. Paul's0-1 L (3/23)
Faith Academy2-1 W (3/31)
St. Paul's2-1 W (3/27)
Jacksonville5-3 W (3/06)
St. Paul's5-0 W (3/31)
Faith Academy2-0 W (2/13)2-1 W (2/24)
(12-7-2)Bayside Academy
St. Paul's1-0 W (4/10)
Faith Academy2-1 W (3/17)
Jacksonville6-0 W (3/07)1-0 W (3/16)
East Limestone0-1 L (4/11)
(15-1-1)Montgomery Academy
Jacksonville0-2 L (3/14)
St. James0-7 L (3/03)
Randolph0-1 L (2/21)0-2 L (3/07)
St John Paul II0-2 L (3/14)
(10-9-1)Smiths Station
St. James3-2 W (2/13)1-2 L (3/10)
St John Paul II2-1 W (3/20)
(6-2-0)Westminster Christian Academy
Randolph1-0 W (3/12)
Madison County1-3 L (3/07)
East Limestone0-2 L (2/13)
Randolph0-3 L (4/09)
St John Paul II0-5 L (2/13)
Springville4-2 W (3/12)
East Limestone5-1 W (4/10)