Alabama Soccer
This primary purpose of this site is to help Alabama high schools
put their tournament schedules and results online.
The home page lists G&B tournaments.
Pick'em Contest
Users can predict the winners of the state championship games.
In previous years, I started building the system a few days before the first games, so it wasn't
ready until a few hours before the first round. Last year's Pick'm page was pretty good
and I don't foresee any big changes this year, though the login will be a little different.
There will be a password reset option.
Click here to Pick'em.
State Championship Bracket
Over the last few years, I have set up a State Championship bracket for each Division: 1-4A, 5A, 6A.
The site is much better these days so the only brackets will be part of the
Pick'em page.
After reading some forum comments complaining that the rankings were
totally wrong because Ream A had beat Team B but was ranked lower, or Team C beat Team X by more goals
that Team D, I set up a page that shows all games between the top 10 teams in each division. It also
retains old rankings. See ranking for 2015. It is not implemented for 2016.
Although it is not really used, there is a
forum set up for Alabama Soccer.
It uses much better forum software than the HS soccer forum.
Send suggestions, questions and comments to